Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fake “ a copy of a bad original”

These days it seems like everywhere I go I run into Paris Hilton wannabes and the likes of Jessica Simpson. I know that it is not a trend and that it is only normal in every community and in every decade to find divas. The worst kind of women, a mixture of an air head and something else (I am trying really hard not to use bad language in this article).
But what’s new is this phenomenon has manifested in our society and found its way in almost all age categories not just teenagers.
You can find teenage girls who believe they are on the same trail as Lindsey Lohan and the Ashley twins (as if this is a good thing). Young women early and mid twenties who I could swear that they think they live in “friends” or a character in the hit series “Sex in the city”. They think that they are attractive strong executives who live in NY.

Come on! Like it or not you live in Egypt. Speaking the Language or dressing in mini skirts and fancy dresses would never change that fact. You are an Egyptian. Your father is Egyptian and your mother is too. Dressing in designer jeans would not change it. Why hide it under the huge Gucci bag the Police shades and the OMG and talking slang.

News Flash that does Not make you less Egyptian hun it just makes you Fake!

I am not accusing all girls that they are like that but we do have the tendency. We should try to learn to take pride in being Egyptian, in our traditions and way of life. Trust me importing another way of life doesn’t make it better, it only complicates it.

It’s like importing a really cool car just to find out that all its spare parts don’t exist locally. It gets you in a mess. An identity crisis and a feeling that you don’t fit in. Sooner or later you will have to leave your protective community and go out into the world. Then you’ll discover Egypt and how different it really is from American Sitcoms.

I love Burgers, soda, American sitcoms, designer jeans and of course Police shades. But I eat this wear this watch this while being very careful that I don’t forget “el foul w “el galabya” w “moslsal layaly el 7elmya”.

Being Fake is not Hot not Cool..its just fake..feel me bro?!

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