Saturday, April 5, 2008

Democracy, Secularism and Censorship.. Go get your own definition!

It seems like nowadays we are being dictated some concepts in our lives. Some of the key concepts that define our philosophical beliefs, political thought and consequently our choices in life. Vital concepts like democracy, secularism and censorship.

Dictated by who doesn’t really matter. Be it our education, parents, peers, society, religious leaders, media or all the above. The thing is we don't process anymore, we don't experience anymore. We take their word for it. The word of the people who experienced, who read, who learned and who now know. They may as well live for us our lives ba'a wla eh?!

What I am trying to say is don't get for granted what everyone tell you, what ever happened to good old questioning and skepticism?! For instance important concepts like the aforementioned ones cannot go by you unnoticed because believe me sooner or later the idea you form about these notions would affect your own decisions in life, the important ones.

Democracy is being preached to us nowadays through the media, the educated elite and the western countries. But for some reason it is being put in the frame of institutions. Its definition is being strictly adhering to the political part not only that but also to the institutional part of democracy.
That’s why the common guy would easily loose interest in the concept of democracy because he would never know how to relate to it.

Democracy to me is not only fair elections or free press; Democracy to me is the increase of choices in life.
As simple and clear as that, when you have the choice to be who you want to be and the choice to get to where you want to be and take the way you want then you have yourself a democratic community. The more choices the more democratic and vice versa.

Since I have been a little girl before I could ever begin to fathom what secularism is I knew it was a bad thing. A corrupt notion that would lead to the disintegration of the Muslim world.
A sneaky concept the western countries are importing to the Muslim world. That was my first impression of this word.

Later on I dug deeper into the underlying meaning of that word. Secularism is the separation of religion from politics for a lot of reasons among them_ and in my opinion the most important_ to make sure that religion is not used as a tool in the hand of the state. In order to ensure the sacred nature of religion and religious leaders and that political leaders wouldn't use religion to manipulate the masses.
That's why to me I believe it’s a favorable concept which I would advocate. When I processed it I found a whole different definition from what I have been spoon fed.

Almost like Secularism, Censorship has always been and still is advocated in our society. The control and monitoring of the state in all walks of life even over ideas has been seen_ even by me_ as something that would keep the morality of the society and the religious orientation.

A revisit to that concept changed my perception. At least for now censorship to me should be as limited as it can be and in exceptional cases only. I personally believe that Censorship suffocates creativity and regulates knowledge which should flow freely for the well fare of society. The exposure of the people to all kinds of knowledge leads to their maturity.

My own opinion now might be very different from the one I have been meant to believe in through my socialization process. And a lot of people may differ with me and even my own views may change over the years but at least I make my own!

Anyway these are just my views..right or own line of own definitions.. Go get your own!!

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