Tuesday, November 16, 2010

الخيط الرفيع

She was shiny and men like shiny things.

She was beaming..something about her..star quality..an urge..irresistible urge he just had to have her..msh 3aref have as in eh exactly bas he had to HAVE her!

He tried..worked hard..bore his heart out..insisted..showed persistence and perseverance..swore he was different..showed that he was different and then swore some more

She was shiny..independent..confident..interesting..different..she didn't need him!

And he needed to have her..like all men he loves shiny things

Gradually she started to loose her brightness..like a candle coming to an end or a gas bulb running out of what fueled it..she was running out of life

She turned out to be just as needy and as clingy..bored him..no longer the one that stands out with the beautiful dress and the admirable laugh..she became..so..ordinary!

She became dependent and weak..her misery made her weak and weak to him is pathetic!

Ordinary to him is dull..and dull to him is unwanted and he just had to get rid of her!

7'alas she no longer shines..and he is only interested in shiny things

"من الصعب أن نتبين الخيط الرفيع الذي يفصل بين الحب وغريزة التملك ، فإن الحب مقرون دائمًا بحب التملك فكل من يحب يتمنى أن يمتلك من يحب ، وقد تتحقق أمنيته ، فتكتمل له عناصر الحب ، فإذا لم تتحقق يبقى الحب ناقصًا أحد عناصره ، ولكنه يبقى . . فالتملك عنصر من عناصر الحب . . لكن الحب ليس دائمًا عنصرًا من عناصر التملك ، فإنك تستطيع أن تمتلك دون أن تحب . . كل ما هنالك أن غريزة التملك قد تشتد بك ، وتعصف بنفسيتك حتى يخيل إليك أنك تحب ! وهذا هو الخيط الرفيع" ! ! إحسان عبد القدوس

1 comment:

SamarQund said...

amazing ya Dina, I do understand what you mean lelasaf :)