Monday, April 28, 2008

Re3'ef el 3esh ashal wla 7amam el seba7a?!

To those of you who do not already know, there is an add that has been becoming very popular the past few days. The add is for "swimming pools", describing how easy it is to install a swimming pool in your Villa as if it’s the only thing that’s missing in the average Egyptian's life !!

I personally believe that this add would provoke anyone listening to it regardless of the social standard. It reflects how the media can sometimes seem as far as can be from the people. I mean we are facing a bread crisis "azmat re3'ef el 3esh" a real life crisis that without an exaggeration can be threatening to the security and stability of our country so excuse me if the talk about swimming pools bothers me.

The time has come that the average Egyptian citizen is unable to get a decent piece of bread. That’s a crisis that relates to the flour and wheat crisis because we don't grow our own food and that’s the result.

Its not that the world prices have grown very high or the global market fluctuations or whatever you might have heard or read in the newspapers; we don't grow our own food that’s it. That’s the real cause of the crisis. Lack of central planning and a national project to start growing our own food and that’s the result hungry people and with no exaggeration I can say millions of hungry Egyptians.

By now I guess you know why such an advertisement would aggravate me. We are not talking about poverty, poverty is a sad fact that we must live with. I am talking about hunger that would tear apart our society, a problem that we cannot just fix its superficial symptoms by blaming the bakeries. The real solution is embarking on a national project to start growing wheat to produce what we need.

It seems like an idealistic dream of mine, dreaming of the day we will be growing our own bread.

Honestly if you ask me re3'ef el 3esh ashal wla 7amam el sba7a?! I'll answer without hesitation that the swimming pool would be installed and your kids would be taking a swim while you would still be standing in the infamous "taboor el 3esh" so definitely the right answer is "7amam el seba7a"!!

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